Welcome to the Announcements page !!
Here you will find mostly major updates made to the website here along with some art !!
You can also find any important announcements like events/hiatuses here too.
Click the other buttons on the remote if you would like to change channels.
Scroll all the way below for previous announcements!
Or check back in this box again for future updates, take care !!
Hello, I'm 8ddiez! But you can just call me Eddie/8, I'm the webmaster/creator of this website and webcomic.
Here in the announcement page is where I'll make updates about new comic updates, hiatuses/breaks and any other major
and relevant updates made to my site.
I'm pretty excited to finally open this page up after working on it for a while now.
As for updates for my comic, I have been working on my thumbnails for now.
I've had such a hectic and busy time with school, but now that it's summer holidays, I plan to
make some progress with it.
I'm trying to break away from the mindset of trying to 'keep up'
with content creation when it comes to my creative projects, since experiencing that with Instagram
has not been the wave for me.
Though that's another issue I'll address separately. Right now,
I'm just trying to focus on being more consistent and focused on creating my art/projects without any
pressure to rush/burn myself out.
Anyways, I'll try not to make this too long but thank you for
reading this and being patient with me and my work!!
I hope you hang by here again next time ❤︎, see you!!